How does a floor convector work?
In a convector radiator, the hot water is circulated through a tube, surrounded by small fins. These fins act to increase the contact surface with the surrounding air.As with a regular radiator, the hot air rises up and attracts cooler air to the appliance. In some types, a ventilator can act to accelerate this process.A […]
What is Floor Trench Heating?
Floor Trench Heating is a heating system that eliminates the need for a standard radiator in the wall.
Trench heaters in Oriental Financial Center in Shanghai/China
Can you imagine the unique curves of each floor of this stunning building bringing more dreams of more sunlight to the people working and relaxing in Broadgate Circle? The building itself is energy efficient, water efficient, waste reducing and eco-friendly. And …… we are proud to say that its stunning all-glass curtain wall is almost […]
About Huayo Floor and Trench Heaters Manufacturer
Huayo is a progressive and fast growing specialist in the design and manufacture of trench and floor heaters.Based in the China, Huayo supplies heating and cooling solutions for commercial and domestic applications throughout Asian and Europe. Huayo’s facility is equipped with world class, high precision production equipment capable of accommodating a wide range of trench […]